How to spice up your YouTuber apology video (Recipe!)

Ryan Ehrhart, Staff Writer

Prepared in 2 hours, presented in 10 minutes and 1 second.
Yields: -2 M subscribers

-2 cups Full Makeup Look (opt.)
-1 Box of Tissues
-1 cup crying (Sub. fake tears)
-1 tsp. Accountability
-½ cup Receipts 
-4 Ad Breaks, chopped
-3 cups Deflection
-4 Tbsp. Victim Blaming
-1 Simple Title

-To prepare for your video, you’ll want to write out a script.  Be sure not to let anyone know you have one—it’ll ruin your presentation!
-Begin cooking your video with a dramatic entry into the screen.
-A good safety tip is to look your audience in the eye.
-Greet your audience to warm them up.  Set aside.
-Acknowledge what you did.  Be careful—you don’t want this flavor to be overpowering.
-Mix in any receipts you may have to make the taste more complex.
-Don’t forget to sprinkle in some ad breaks—this can still be a profitable affair!
-Plate your video by giving it a nice simple title.  “I’m sorry” is a great place to start.
-Garnish your video by disabling comments and video ratings.

And now you have your delicious YouTuber apology video!  You’ll be on the way to the trending page in no time.