Who should we appreciate this holiday season?
December 17, 2021
We thought the season of giving thanks ended in November. Silly us. Little did we know, this special season is just as important as Thanksgiving, if not more important. Even while so many of us have already blown our money on the newest Starbucks peppermint mocha or Crumble Cookie’s peppermint bark, it is still so important to dig every last bit of generosity and gratitude out of our hearts. This holiday season, The Wolf’s staff would like to express our appreciation to those caring for us (at or away from home), those working day-in and day-out despite the tight grasp of the Coronavirus, and undoubtedly, our custodial staff.
Be sure to send a really thoughtful text out to those who have always had your back in the hardest, most peculiar or crappy parts of your life. Even if you already did that in November, just one more time can’t hurt. Appreciate them for the time they have given up, just for you. What simple or complex differences have they made in your life? Regardless if it is a mere dap-up in the hallway, or a “let’s sit down and talk” when you need it, be sure to do what you can to give back. It doesn’t require spending $550 on some AirPod Maxes. Get creative and send a nice letter in the mail with pictures of your favorite memories, or maybe take it a step further and go make those memories in person.
Of course, this article wouldn’t be complete without including family. Often, they are your day ones and will never leave your side. The compelling love and gratitude created in family relationships are never to be taken for granted. Occasionally, we find ourselves annoyed by the petty arguments or reactions that occur within a family, but that is exactly what makes the good times with them more genuine. There is no good without bad, nor bad without good. Always remember the love your family has to offer, as it can get you through the most uncertain of times.
Ah, remember the last time you stopped by a McDonald’s at 1 a.m. to get a beloved Oreo McFlurry? It tasted like heaven after that mental breakdown, right? Don’t forget to thank the person who served it to you. Chances are that it is someone really trying to make the money they need to support themselves, or maybe even a family, as well. An unordinary “thank you” or tipping a full 20 percent makes a big difference. Take time to think about and treasure all those who are working late nights at a window, register or desk.
Inevitably, our staff are always a favorite. Their whole job is based on helping us – but we, the dreadful students, think it is okay to treat them recklessly at times because of our own hardships. Not cool. Every staff member in our school has an interest in our success and wants what is best for us. Not to mention, the school board is doing everything they possibly can to give us the opportunity for a Winter Formal.
It is important to consider that the students aren’t all that bad most of the time. And whether it’s illuminating the whole world or just a small room, we do what we can to bring our energy to school. The staff invest their whole day in ours, so it is important that we make those days just a little more enjoyable for them, even if it is already going well.
What would we do without our janitorial staff? Messes scattered across the lunch room and Taco Bell bags left on the ground around garbage cans are a sad sight to see, especially when we don’t pick them up ourselves. Respecting our janitors doesn’t take very much effort, so let’s start picking up our own messes. We should thank our janitorial staff relentlessly, especially during the seemingly-endless times of COVID-19. We are truly grateful for you. For all those tables being put up and down, for all those messes that have had to be cleaned and of course for taking care of even the smallest of details that allow for us students to enjoy a clean, comfortable building each day. Your work is an unsung song of heroism.
Time truly is priceless. Never take for granted the time you may have with the ones you are close with; be present and participate in every second you have with them. Put your phone down, and give those who have been so generous with you the undivided attention they deserve. Write a note or letter to someone. Make a list of what you should cherish. Give someone a hug! Whatever it may be, put your heart into it. Love one another without seeking a reward in return, and have a relaxed and laid-back winter break.