Staff retirement: McCleary leaves TuHS’s math department

Photo by Olivia Trone

Olivia Trone, Co-Bilingual Editor

Students and staff members of Tualatin High School (TuHS) will go through the bittersweet experience of seeing some of their favorite staff members retire after this year. One of the staff members retiring is math teacher Krista McCleary. After 33 years of teaching and 30 at TuHS,  McCleary will say goodbye. Being one of only four teachers who has taught at the school since the opening in 1992, McCleary is not only experienced but also important to the TuHS community. 

In an interview with The Wolf McCleary reflected on why she became a math teacher. 

I really like math. I think it is a subject that is hard for some kids, and so it is sort of a challenge making it understandable. And I think it is one of the most important subjects.”

As somebody who has taught and learned math for so many years, McCleary has dabbled in teaching many courses. Although she has found her favorite subjects to teach.

“My favorite subject to teach is probably what we used to call pre-calculus, and I like AGS 3 a lot, as well,” McCleary explained. 

She is very positive about her years with TuHS. 

“My favorite memory is just fun times with other teachers and students. Lots of laughter and learning. Although, one time a couple of the teachers that are Duck fans brought a boombox and they taught their classes the Duck fight song, and I am a big Husky fan because I went to University of Washington. So they came and sang the fight song; it was one of the days before their weekend game. It was really funny,” McCleary said. 

Sophomore Ahmed Altuhafi, a student of McCleary’s, has loved being her student this school year. Altuhafi is sad to see McCleary go, but hopeful that she finds just as much fulfillment in retirement as she did teaching. 

“McCleary is an extraordinary math teacher who has helped many students break the common mentality that they will never be good at math. My favorite thing about Ms. McCleary is her clear but straight-to-the-point teaching style that will help you for the rest of the school year. McCleary will go above and beyond to make sure students have what they need in order to be successful in school,” Altuhafi explained. 

McCleary plans to continue working in an alternate form after this school year. 

“I want to find a new job, but I have been doing homework – I counted it up – 50 years, including the time I was in school and the years I taught, so I want to find a job where I do not have homework.”

McCleary will always be a part of the TuHS community. Her 33 years of service to a myriad of different students will be remembered and honored by all. Teachers can leave a long-lasting impact on McCleary will be missed by students and staff members alike, but TuHS wishes her luck in future endeavors.