Senior Timberwolves put dreaded college applications to bed

Logo courtesy of Common App.

Naasei Lynn, Staff Writer

With the turn of the new year, many important deadlines for college applications have passed in the early weeks of 2023. This marks the end of college application season for most seniors who are seeking secondary education next fall and the beginning of a long period of nervous waiting. As the days count down until admission decisions are posted, some seniors who participated in the college application process took time to reflect on their experiences.

“I applied to 12 schools,” stated Tualatin High School senior Lydia Magnuson. “Definitely a little excessive, but I applied to a lot of ‘reach’ schools, so I wanted to make sure.” 

For Magnuson, the lofty number of schools she submitted an application to were to diversify her options, ranging from large in-state institutions to smaller out-of-state schools. However, the volume of applications she was required to submit quickly became an overwhelming burden.

“It is hard to have so many decisions and responsibilities in front of you, especially when you aren’t sure which direction you want to go in,” Magnuson noted. 

To overcome these troubles, Magnuson banked on the support of her school counselors and Tualatin’s College and Career Center. While patiently waiting on her decision-day emails, Magnuson stresses the importance of researching and starting college applications long before they are due.

Magnuson’s path seems to have been a common theme throughout the graduating class, as Tualatin senior Jonathan Mercado also shared similar experiences. Mercado applied to 14 schools but was able to navigate through some of the stress through use of different school-sponsored resources.

“The thing that helped me the most is the College and Career Center and Latino Network, as well as my old Upward Bound advisors and my counselor. They all were there to help with specific things I needed,” Mercado stated. 

The Tualatin senior had heard of the time-consuming process of applying to colleges from friends that had previously gone through their own applications. Mercado also applied for early action for some of his schools, so he has already started weighing his options on where he will continue his education. 

In regards to advice for those who will be completing this process in the coming year, Mercado stressed the need to dedicate time to applications and starting the process early, preferably in the summer.

“Deadlines approach quickly,” Mercado expressed.

He also noted that deadlines that certain schools have can pass before you even start the application process. He highlighted the importance of putting your best foot forward in applications. 

Magnuson and Mercado both affirmed the stressful nature of the college application process, but with school resources and sufficient time management, they were able to successfully complete their daunting tasks.