Timberwolf Pageant returns, preparations underway

Photograph by Peyton Anderson of senior Jonathan Mercado and junior Taylor Babicky.

Peyton Anderson, Staff Writer

Tualatin High School’s (TuHS) Timberwolf Pageant has officially begun, and TuHS students waited eagerly for the reveal of the competing partnerships. Cheer Wolves, ASB Wolves, Dance Wolves, Engineering Wolves, Granola Wolves, Softball Wolves and Swim Wolves made their debut on the ASB Instagram page and students began choosing their favorite pairs to support. Granola Wolves, also known as seniors Tullia Salboro and Kevin Jiricek, and Dance Wolves, comprised of seniors Jonathan Mercado and Taylor Babicky, were thrilled to share their insights on and experiences with the pageant. 

What does the process look like for you as a contestant? 

Mercado: [It involved] signing up, finding a partner, deciding what we want to represent and how we will do it, as well as trying to socialize with other groups and seeing what they are doing. The whole process is a little stressful but also very exciting, knowing that it is all for Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and that the money will greatly benefit them. 

Babicky: I feel like another part of the process is knowing which groups to be competitive with and work alongside because we are in a competition, and we will try our best to win. We also have to figure out our talent for the competition and what we are going to post on our social media for advertisement.  

Salboro: There is a lot of organizing and making sure I am balancing my work because I can’t forget things or miss our important deadlines. 

Which part of the pageant are you most looking forward to?

Mercado: Visiting Doernbecher and seeing what they are all about, as well as the pageant as a whole and the day of the actual pageant. I was there last year, and it was super fun and exciting, so I can’t wait to be a participant this year. 

Salboro: I am most looking forward to one of our fundraising events because I think it will be fun and interesting for a lot of people and will be a big success. 

Jiricek: I am interested to see what the actual pageant looks like because I honestly have no idea what it will consist of. 

How is your pair planning to fundraise for the pageant?

Mercado: Mostly through Instagram and possibly doing some money runs during sports games, but as of now we are using social media and family members to raise money. 

Babicky: Talking to other people around school and asking them if they want to support us and telling them about our fundraising. 

Salboro: We have a few things planned. Right now we are trying to push our dare bingo boards, where people pay us to do dares and fill up the bingo cards, and we are also doing our clothing drive right now where people can donate their clothes. We will sell them at a clothing market, and the money we make from the market will go towards our fundraiser. Also, whatever clothes don’t go to the market will be sold at a reselling store. 

The pageant will take place on April 20, 2023, and the Tualatin community waits eagerly for the competition and the reveal of the winning group.