Behind the screen: meet the Weekly Wolf

Students star in a section of the Weekly Wolf’s Season 3, Episode 20.

Claire Roach, Co-Editor-in-Chief/Editorial

Every Wednesday, the students of the Weekly Wolf production team keep their audience captivated and interested, covering topics from sports to pop culture news. In February, they partnered with the Black Student Union to celebrate Black History Month. With an extremely limited amount of time and such a large viewing audience, they impressively manage to pack vital information and entertaining bits into each episode. 

It’s time to finally meet one of the people from the highly-acclaimed Weekly Wolf. I spoke with Whitaker Schmidt, a freshman who is part of the TV Productions class, about the filming, writing and production process and his favorite parts about the class.


Why did you join the Weekly Wolf team? 

“I joined the team because I was curious about the class, and wanted to learn more about the process of filming a production. My grandma worked with TV production, so she got me interested in it.”


Can you describe/take me through a typical production cycle?

“It’s pretty chaotic. Normally, we’ll spend about a period writing the script and the next class we will go to the studio theater, set everything up, which takes about 10 minutes, and then afterwards we do a couple of takes and use the one that we like the best.”


What is your favorite part about being on the Weekly Wolf? 

“It’s definitely speaking. I enjoy speaking in front of people, and this is a way that I can do that.” 


What are you most proud of?

“Definitely our music video.”


The productions class is relatively student-led, so if you are interested in learning more about media productions, as well as looking for a collaborative and gratifying environment, consider signing up for the TV Productions class during spring course selection starting on April 5.