Is spring weather perfect hangout weather?
Photograph by Clare Sherman of Sam Dunn taking a break from classes to enjoy the rainy spring weather.
March 21, 2023
With winter coming to an end, it is now time for spring weather to start settling in. The transition from staying home all day to avoid the rainy weather to people asking if you want to hang out – the problem being not knowing what to do – may be tough. But do not fear, the possibilities for spring activities are infinite.
The spring weather is perfect for any physical activity. Tennis is a good example, you can buy cheap rackets at a nearby Goodwill with your friends and maybe stop by a Walmart to buy tennis balls. Find your local park and just start playing. Maybe bring a speaker to play music as well. It’s a fun and relatively calm activity to do with friends outside. Another example is biking. You can bike just about anywhere, but you might be scared of sharing the road with cars that are going 35 mph while you’re pedaling as fast as you can go. Whether you a have a destination or you’re just biking for fun, the biking makes you forget all your problems.
Let’s say that physical activities aren’t what you’re looking to do. Then there are still plenty of options. For this activity, you may need a little bit of money, but it should be worth it: try out a new restaurant, either by yourself or with friends. Taste different types of food, instead of ordering the same food you usually get. Another activity to do is visit a bookstore. Although you may not like reading, visiting a bookstore can still be plenty of fun. A good book store to drop by is Powell’s Bookstore located in downtown Portland, with three stories worth of books to get lost in and plenty of non-book items for sale, too.
With all of these ideas, there should be at least one to spice up your spring. But if you can’t do any of them because you don’t want to spend money, then going to a public library is another great option, as most public libraries offer some sort of activity for free. An example is the Tualatin Public Library, which has a teen room with access to computers or even board games. It doesn’t cost any money and is a great way to spend time with friends.
Spring weather is the perfect weather to hang out with friends. We at The Wolf hope the activities listed here will spark hangout ideas so you don’t end up spending the spring weather alone doing homework in your room.