Assemblies: yay or nay?

Photo by Amanda Fronczak at the Homecoming Assembly. Science teachers Bobby Roberson and Ronnie White serenade the crowd and each other.

Tullia Salboro, Staff Writer

We all have opinions on the school assemblies. Maybe they’re a waste of time, maybe they gave you a little chuckle and maybe you weren’t even on campus for them….

Nonetheless, hours of hard work are committed to put together these school bonding events. David Jones, who is Assemblies Director for ASB, has thoughts about the year’s assemblies.

“I used to try planning assemblies based on what other people thought. While we still try to do that, sometimes, we just can’t help you,” he said. “For example, let’s say an assembly sucks, and you say ‘David, that assembly sucked! It was horrible!’ I can’t really help you with that. After four years, I’ve learned that I will never make you happy. And that’s okay. But if you do ever happen to be in the mood for an assembly one day, don’t worry. We’ll always be there.”

Thank you to the Assemblies Committee for a year of memories. Now let’s go down the list and rate the rallies.

At the top is the Homecoming Assembly. A solid 10/10. With Bobby Roberson and Ronnie White’s performance that tugged at our heart strings, and Christopher Murray plummeting into fellow teachers in an inflatable bubble, that assembly can’t be beat.

Photo by Amanda Fronczak of herself and Aaron Lakeman at the Prom Assembly in May. 

Doernbecher’s Fundraiser Assembly: As a participant in the assembly firsthand, I can say that it was in the top five most-anxiety-inducing events in my lifetime. However, it was a fantastic idea to hype up the student body to help raise money for Doernbecher’s Children’s Hospital, which is why it gets its placement. A good 9/10.

Photo by Amanda Fronczak leading up to the Timberwolf Pageant where the winners of the lip sync battle, Jonathan Mercado Ibanez and Taylor Babicky accepted
their winnings. The duo got a $200 fundraiser donation during the Doernbecher Fundrasier Assembly.

In third place was the Winter Assembly. Andrew Egan swung his tie around to hype up his fans in the teacher vs. student scooter race – causing kids to go flying into tables, with some crashing and eating it. Putting the safety hazards aside, it was quite an entertaining assembly. Rating: 8.7/10 (extra points for Dellerbs getting pied).

Welcome Back Assembly: The fall sports captains tried to get us excited for the Friday night football games by dressing up in the themes and participating in a silly little race against the clubs. I would’ve loved to see more school spirit during roll call, but don’t worry freshmen: you’ll get the hang of it!! I’ll give it a 6/10.

In last place, the Prom Assembly: The Prom assembly was admittedly a bit of a let down. It was not nearly long enough and left the audience wanting more. I will also have to dock points for the tragic lighting that blocked the viewers from truly being able to admire the outfits of the Prom Royalty. A good 5.8/10 (redemption points added for Amanda’s outfit).

And an Honorable Mention for the attempted make up for the Basketball Awards Fiasco !!  2/10