February is all about love. Love is everywhere — in the air, in the store-bought chocolates, but most importantly, in the people.
Well, most people.
Valentine’s Day is filled with couples going on dates, hanging out and being in love, but what about single people? What are they going to do on the day of love as single people?
Single people can watch horror movies to scare away their loneliness. If they have pocket change to spare, they can buy out all the store-bought flowers before any boyfriends or girlfriends can give them to their partners. While walking, instead of having their hands hanging lonely by their sides, they can hold their own hands to keep them warm. Buy themselves chocolates on Feb. 15 at a discounted price. Spend the day with their pet, as animal companionship always beats human companionship. When a couple is passing by, intentionally walk in between them. Bonus points if they’re holding hands and then they’re broken apart.
In South Korea, they have a national holiday called “Black Day”, which is a day dedicated to and celebrated by single people. America should adopt this holiday, as well, and be more inclusive for those who can’t celebrate Valentine’s Day.
“For me, Valentine’s Day was just like any normal day and I didn’t really do anything. Now, I hang out with my boyfriend and we gift each other small gifts,” said junior Cailey Pazda.