In a world where you can be anything, choose to be kind.
Random acts of kindness have more of an impact than we realize. Not only do they make the world a better place; they have the power to boost people’s confidence and happiness. The great thing about kindness is that it doesn’t require a big fancy gesture or anything in return. The smallest, unexpected gestures make the biggest impact on others.
You never know what someone is going through, and just one kind thing can make their whole day. Small, simple actions like saying “good morning,” holding the door, complimenting or smiling at a stranger or even sharing your notes with a struggling classmate are some of the most impactful forms of service that are often overlooked. They might seem pointless, but they have the potential to show others that you care about them.
Sophomore Savannah Arnott shared how one act of kindness brightened her day.
“One of my friends randomly bought me a cookie at lunch, and it made me feel really grateful and happy,” Arnott said. “I even ended up complimenting a random girl’s outfit in the hallway. I didn’t know the girl, but it made me feel really good.”
Thanks to Arnott, we can see the true impact kindness has on others. It causes a chain reaction that doesn’t just affect the receiver but affects your whole community. When someone brings joy into your day, it is hard not to feel inspired to share that joy.
Remember that you have the power to make someone’s day. Whether it’s saying or doing something nice, your actions can make someone smile.