The newest member of the elephant family at the Oregon Zoo is finally here. Tula-tu was born on Feb. 1, 2025, and is adjusting well to her new habitat with her mother, Rose-tu.
Since she was born, Tula-tu has grabbed the attention of many with appearances on national television. NBC named her a front runner for 2025’s cutest animal, and she has captured the hearts of Oregon Zoo visitors.
While all the eyes are on Tula-tu, what many don’t know is that Asian elephants are a highly-endangered species.
“Seeing a cute baby elephant might very well be the catalyst for people to support environmental conservation efforts, which I think is really important,” said TuHS ASB teacher Jessica Fontaine.
They are threatened by habitat loss, now that 20 percent of people worldwide live in or next to an Asian elephant habitat. It is estimated that there are 40,000-50,000 Asian elephants left in the world.
The Oregon Zoo is known for its incredible elephant care program, which has lasted for over 60 years. The zoo collaborates with programs in Borneo to help regrow and conserve the Asian elephant population in areas where it’s needed.
“If anyone feels passionately about protecting elephant welfare, I would encourage them to avoid products that contain palm oil or look for products that contain sustainably produced palm oil,” said Fontaine. “Palm oil plantations are one of the main causes of habitat destruction for Asian elephants and are causing them serious harm.”
If you want to see Tula-tu for yourself, Forest Hall is open to zoo guests from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to see her. However, it is open to limited capacity, and hours may change if Rose and her baby need some time alone. Tickets should be purchased online and ahead of time.