How honest influencers are redefining social media


Lucy Lyons photographed by Isabella Kneeshaw.

Lucy Lyons, Staff Writer

A new trend has emerged among influencers: sharing more personal details about their lives. Influencers like Alix Earle have become known for their honesty and vulnerability, opening up about their struggles and experiences in a way that resonates with their followers. This trend has been successful, not only for their engagement and growth but also in breaking down the mask of perfection that has been associated with social media.

Influencers are often expected to present a carefully curated image of themselves online. They’re supposed to be perfect: beautiful, successful and always happy. This image is often fake, and many people feel that they can’t relate to these influencers. With the rise of more open and honest influencers, this has started to change.

Alix Earle is a great example of an influencer who has embraced this trend of honesty. She is known for sharing her struggles with anxiety, depression and body image, and for discussing taboo topics like sex and relationships. Her followers appreciate her vulnerability, and many say that her posts have helped them feel less alone in their own struggles. 

This honesty has also helped Alix Earle’s career. She has built a loyal following of people who trust and respect her, and she has been able to work with brands that align with her values. This openness has helped her stand out in the crowded field of influencers and has made her more relatable to her audience.

Other influencers have started to share more personal details about their lives and have found that it has helped them connect with their followers. This is a positive development because it means that social media is becoming a more authentic and honest place. 

Of course, there are some risks associated with this trend. When you share personal details about your life online, you open yourself up to criticism and judgment. Some people might not be comfortable with the level of transparency that these influencers are displaying. For the most part, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. This has led to a shift in the influencer industry, as more and more people realize that being perfect is not necessary for success.

I believe this trend of honesty among influencers is a positive development. It is breaking down the mask of perfection that has long been associated with social media, and it is helping people feel less alone in their struggles. Alix Earle and other influencers who have embraced this trend are setting a positive example for others, and I hope that more will follow their lead.