What do you meme? 2019 Edition

Hibah Hammad, Staff Writer

It’s safe to say that when thinking of the memes brought to us by Twitter and now Tik Tok this year, there aren’t a whole lot of gems. With that being said, let’s talk about some of the best memes of 2019 because amidst all the mediocrity, there were a few that managed to last longer than a month.


“Ight, Imma head out”:

Every year, somebody somewhere finds their purpose in the world and crafts a tweet with a screenshot from “Spongebob” that is so perfectly representative of everyday situations that it’s as if Allah himself has planned for this very moment. This year, although “Spongebob in drag” did make a brief appearance, the annual “Spongebob” meme of the year award goes to “Ight, Imma head out.”


What if we kissed tweets:

These, or the PG “What if we held hands” with the sub category of “ahaha,,,,,, unless??.  What started out as making fun of F-boy flirting gradually turned into people jokingly shooting their shot with a simple, “What if we kissed in the Roblox ‘Royale High’ server, ahaha im jk, unlessss,,,,?” Personally, it was a 2019 favorite.


POV Tik Toks: 

As everyone knows by now, Tik Tok has become a platform of Gen-Z humor. Although it still consists of lip-syncing and poorly-done dances, a side effect of its music.ly days, it harbors a very diverse selection of humor and trends. One big trend this year being “POVs.” This could range anywhere from a POV of you in math class listening to your teacher go off after a bad sub report to you being an ant on the bathroom sink watching someone try to hype themselves up in the mirror. The possibilities are endless.


Clown Humor:

Besides the releases of It Chapter 2and Joker, clowns have been a popular area of discussion this 2019. People have brought back the insult of calling people clowns, began painting their faces with clown makeup and started using the word “clowning” in sentences. Not gonna lie, I was afraid y’all were gonna clown me for this article if I didn’t get all the memes right, but if you’re still reading this far down and you don’t even like it, then who’s the real clown? C-C-C-C-CloOoWn ChECk!


Ok Boomer: 

“Phone Bad. Book Good.” “In mY dAy.” “Father, I cannot double tap the book.”

Boomers include people like “Karen.” They also include older people who ridicule teens for thinking college is too expensive or school is too hard, are casually racist and ignorant, and call our generation sensitive but get offended when we hit them with that “Ok Boomer.” Overall, boomers do not pass the vibe check. Can I get a quick “ok boomer” in the chat?