New construction adds spaces for all

Cassia Tippett, Staff Writer

There are a lot of new additions to the school this year, ranging from new Chromebooks to new classrooms and even a new international hall! Every student was provided a new Chromebook this year to help with school work and managing classes.

Principal Michael Dellerba discussed with The Wolf some of the ways the Chromebooks have helped students.

“Number one, it means everyone has access, and it allows teachers to be more modern with the way they collect work,” he said. “It’s more typical of the work world, where you have to submit things digitally. Also, we’re hoping it reduces our carbon footprint as a school.”

The new classrooms have made a positive impact on both students and teachers this year.

“We had a number of teachers traveling on carts because we didn’t have a number of classrooms. We had seven teachers traveling on carts,” Dellerba said. “We’ve been able to whittle that down to just a couple now, and that’s because we built new classrooms.”

Along with the new classrooms, there’s a new fitness room for the cheer team and dance team that has been a highlight as well.

“I’m also excited for the fitness room. For years, the cheer and dance teams had kind of practiced in space where they could fit. Now we have a space that’s dedicated for use after school and also flexible for use during the day.”

On top of that, specially designed classrooms are helping TuHS feel like home for its diverse student body.

“We have more specially-designed classrooms for students with special needs, and those spaces are able to meet the needs of students that we weren’t able to provide for before.”

The new classrooms reflect the addition of new courses at TuHS. With the new career exploration classes for ninth graders and the wheel classes, students are more excited to learn about new fields they haven’t noticed or been interested in before.

“I’m seeing students excited, and I’ve popped into these classes,” Dellerba said. “To learn about new fields they may not have considered before is pretty powerful. Students have a chance to experience a variety of different things before trying to choose a career and college pathway.”

The new international hall has been a huge change to Tualatin this year, with new classrooms and a common area where students can go to relax, along with the new bathrooms near the front of the school. Tualatin High School has dedicated time and space for students and teachers with these new school additions.