American two-party systems shows flaws

Dasan Zeller, Staff Writer

The two-party system within the United States is greatly flawed. Most Americans agree that we are divided by politics, and the whole world is watching as we live through what is arguably the most important election in the history of the United States. 

The United States was not supposed to have political parties. As stated by President George Washington during his farewell address on Sep. 17, 1796, “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” Basically, Washington stated that political parties can give an individual the power to undermine our democracy by using and abusing the system through the party. We’re seeing that coming to light now.

This two-party system is destroying this country and slowing its progress forward. As the American people have seen time and time again, policies are often replaced not only because they no longer suit Americans’ needs but because one political party wants to undo the policies of the other party. An example of this is the Affordable Care Act, which was enacted with a Democratic president (Obama) and a Democratic-majority Congress. But, now with a Republican president (Trump) and Republican-majority Senate, Republicans want to  replace it with their own version instead of modifying the existing and crafted act.

There is too much to say about this topic for just one story,  and the extent of the control the political parties have over the government and its systems is far too great. It is a national security concern. If a bright enough person with the right resources and/or money comes along, we could easily have a dictator. 

A solution to this and that doesn’t interfere with the Constitution is to allow political parties, but once a person becomes an elected official, they must cut all ties to any political party. That way, the political parties don’t have influence on elected officials’ decisions while in office. If an elected official is found to be working with a political party, they should lose their office to their opponent.