Trump faces backlash after election

Cassia Tippett, Bilingual Editor

After the 2020 presidential election concluded and media outlets projected that Joe Biden won the presidency, Biden’s supporters have strongly declared negative viewpoints about Donald Trump. Trump spent Nov. 7, the day that Biden became the president-elect, at his private golf course in New Jersey. Upon returning, he was greeted with thousands of people screaming and flipping him off in the streets outside the White House. Trump critics were holding up posters reading, “You’re fired!” 

A few hours later, Trump decided to post on Twitter, “I WON THIS ELECTION BY A LOT,” but Twitter flagged his post as misleading and inaccurate. Anderson Cooper, an American journalist for CNN, received quite a bit of backlash when he went on air and fat-shamed Trump. He addressed Trump’s behavior and compared him to  “an obese turtle on his back, flailing in the hot sun, realizing that his time is over.” Cooper has since apologized for his statement, saying he realized that the fat-shaming was not appropriate.                 

Posters about Trump have been plastered around the gates of the White House. One poster displays Trump’s eviction notice in bright red, capital letters, while another poster shows Trump as a baby with yellow hair and orange skin who is whining and crying. 

Lamar Alexander, a Republican Senator from Tennessee, urged Trump to step away and allow Biden’s transition to begin. Alexander commented that there has been no evidence of voter fraud. He compared the current tension to the beginning stages of the COVID vaccine, saying he trusts time and judgment will overcome.