Unplug from your phone and reconnect with the things that really matter

Olivia Ashley, Web Editor

Everyone uses their phones way more than they probably should.  We’ve all heard how can our phones affect us in a negative way.  There are usually more cons outweighing the pros. People keep throwing negative aspects at us, but there is never a solution.  While phones are a part of life that isn’t going away, being intentional about how and when we use them can make a huge difference in our daily lives.

It’s hard for students to not go on their phones at school, especially because everyone does it.  With the new WiFi situation at our school, it’s harder for students to actually use their phones because of service issues.  Even though most everyone is very frustrated with this new policy, it might help keep everyone on track during the school hours.  Keeping your phone away in your bag and putting it on airplane mode will create a way for you to stop constantly checking it and let you focus on what’s right in front of you.

At home it is extremely difficult to step away from your phone.  Sometimes it’s easiest to just put it in another room and try to focus on something else.  Making a schedule with a few breaks in between is something that will help. Keeping your whole afternoon open gives you too much free time that usually ends up in a waste of time.  Homework should always come before anything else, because once you start using your phone, it’s hard to put it down.

It’s sad how much we rely on our phones for almost everything.  We listen to music and read books on them, watch TV and videos and, of course, interact with other people.  There’s more to life than just those few things. Spending five or six hours on your phone is such a waste of time compared to other things you could be doing.  For example, you could sit down with your family or friends and read a book or all go see a movie together. We need to come together instead of isolating ourselves.

Our phones cause us so much more anxiety and depression than we need.  Adding the extra pressure to constantly check social media is tiring and usually negatively impacts us. This gives people a platform to bring others down as well. Understanding that there are more important things in life than just checking your phone will help you in the long run.