How to follow through on New Year’s resolutions

Naiya Gates, Staff Writer

These are a few of my New Year’s resolutions for 2020 that can also improve the lives of all of you out there who want to have a great year. With enough teamwork, maybe – just maybe – we could check off all of the boxes.


Work out more.

Although, contouring on abs and wearing high-waisted pants always works as a plan B.


Cut toxic people out of my life.

The only awkward part about this is when you realize that it’s you who is the toxic one.


Keep a plant alive for more than a week.

The good news is that Amazon sells fake plants for people like me.


Win the lottery.

With enough skill, I think we could do it.


Make it through the year without calling any teacher “Mom” or “Dad.”

Whenever this happens, I know I have reached a low point in life.


Stop drinking orange juice after I brush my teeth.

Admit it. You have done this, and your whole day was ruined before it even started.


Cut back screen time a few hours.

I don’t know about you, but my average screen time is 25 hours a day.


Become as smart in real life as I sound in emails.

This will be a tough one for me, because when writing emails, I somehow pull out these 15 letter words I didn’t even know I knew.