Early Christmas music listeners’ antics threaten Christmas

Naiya Gates, Humor Editor

Many friendships have come to a dramatic halt over a very controversial topic: the appropriate time to bust out Christmas music. It is a VERY sensitive subject for most and should be brought up carefully and cautiously. Many have been holding back their opinion for fear of offending others. 

However, it’s time someone shares some wisdom, even if it’s a truth many don’t want to hear. Christmas music should be played very sparingly until the midnight after Thanksgiving, and only then can you blast it to your heart’s content. 

If you celebrate Christmas, you know that the holiday season is ramping up when you hear the same five Christmas jingles running through every radio station, blasting 24/7 in your sister’s room and blocking all paths of concentration as they repeat in your head. They set the holiday mood and make you feel peppy and festive, which is why it is okay to listen to a song here and there for a little rush before Thanksgiving, but never more because they will be overplayed before December even arrives. People will start to take Christmas music for granted and not savor it, essentially watering down the powerful Christmas magic. 

 Unfortunately, many people cannot understand that patience is the key to an exciting holiday season. If it weren’t for us reasonable people keeping them in line, they would be over Christmas a month early because they started the preparation in June. It is doing them a favor to put controls on their Spotify accounts and ban their Christmas playlists until the proper start of the season. Although they may not realize the good deed you are doing, you deserve recognition for single-handedly saving the holiday by demanding the pause on Christmas music until winter.

Whether you listen to the classic Christmas music or the new pop covers, it is best when saved for the holiday season. That way you will get maximum enjoyment out of it for a solid month and it won’t annoy you too much. Just remember — some are not as quick to understand and agree with this, so tread lightly and, ultimately, just advise others to do what makes them happy.